Scott Haiges
Co-Founder, GBK Collective
Scott Haiges is a marketing and research expert who specializes in defining and measuring ROI in digital marketing with an emphasis on the healthcare industry. Throughout his career, Scott has surveyed and analyzed consumer behaviors and patient engagement of over a million patients. He is a sought-after industry leader for increasing patient satisfaction through automation and technology. Scott educates large insurers, healthcare providers, doctors and specialty practice managers about the unique opportunities that patient-engagement, automation and analytics technology delivers to healthcare experts.
Recently, Scott was an Entrepreneur in Residence at Aspire Ventures, LLC. Prior to that, he founded and served as the Chief Executive Officer of MedStatix, LLC. He is currently a board director of Wylei, LLC. Scott is a graduate of Wake Forest University with a degree in economics and international finance. He is the Author of ROI of Digital Marketing and Gaming for Good (Google).